Thursday, December 6, 2007

Is this the same Rawhide?

Yesterday I went to see Rawhide with a friend of my Mom's and I went in the stall with him and I started petting him, and he threw me against the wall and backed his butt toward me against the wall, HE WAS TRYING TO KICK ME!!! Me and my Mom are having second thoughts about Rawhide, because Ashley wasn't there and if he acts like that if we buy him, he won't be the best for me, that's why tonight when I go see him, he's not going to get out of ANYTHING! I am finally going to show him that he can't push me around and he will listen to me and not be a butt! Well just wanted to tell you the scoop!



Abby said...

THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! He CANNOT be bad like that!!!!!! Daisy's like that sometimes, too. You always have to be careful when going into a horse's stall. Maybe you want to take a crop or a lead rope with you. You have to smack him hard if you does ANYTHING inappropriate. He has to learn to respect you. I have to show Daisy who's the boss a lot, too. They just need a reminder.
You have to remember, Rawhide is only two, and he's a horse, and sometimes horses just have thier moments. In my opinion, I think you and him would make a great team, from what I hear.
Good luck! I think you can do it. Just remember, YOU'RE the boss, not him.
Can't wait to hear how it went!!!!!!

Anika said...

Hey!! Wow. That sucks. Just like abby(or mellimouse) said, they need reminders. The person that helps me with our horses always says they have "baby temper tantrums."
My aunt's horse did that the other day to my cousin...It was scary for her. I'm glad you're okay.

Good Luck!

Anika said...

One more thing, on the side of your blog where the link is to my blog, the url is wrong so you cant get to it. its

i think you just forget the s after anika