Saturday, November 3, 2007

Another Improvement!!!

Rawhide is doing really good, we are starting on his cantering so it's smooth for me (0_0) I ride bareback alot now halter and lead rope! He does really good, the other day I rode bareback halter and lead rope in the pasture without Dancer! He did really good! He was only a little bad in the beginning! He is soo sweet! He is now starting to act like a two year old now!(In a good way, like always likes love!) Well I thought I would update, oh and the filly (Ginger, Stephanie's horse) Ashley is training is doing really well so far! She let her put the saddle on her and let Ashley stand in the stirrup ( she didn't swing her leg over!) So just and update, I will update soon about Rawhide and Ginger!!! Thankies!

1 comment:

Mellimaus said...

That sounds really cool! If you want my opinion, I think Rawhide is made for you.