Friday, November 23, 2007

More Pics!

Hey guys,

I just feel like posting more pictures! Tonight I am going to the barn with my cousin Morgan so I can have my Mommy take some pictures!
1st: Just Rawhide
2nd:Rawhide's Eye
3rd: Me and Rawhide
4th:Me riding Rawhide
5th---> : Me riding Rawhide


Anika said...

This is kinda weird, but you guys look alike. (In a good way) It's pretty cool. You guys are perfect for each other!

Rawhide and Alli said...

I know we kind of do look alike, and my friend who rides with me (she's 18) she looks exactly like her horse Dancer!!! They both have blonde hair!!!! It's weird, Horses look like their rider!!!

Mellimaus said...

Great pictures! That's true, you do look alike. I think you should get him, Alli! You seem to really love him. I've also heard (and seen) that dogs look like their owners. My mom has grayish/black hair with a blondish strip at the front, and my dog is all black with blond legs and face! It's really weird!!!