Sunday, February 10, 2008

AHHH!! I've been tagged!!! LOL!

Well I was tagged by Melissa! so here are seven facts about me!
  1. I was born in Indiana!
  2. I have had my dog Lucy since I was three
  3. I have a brother named Anthony and a sister named Emily
  4. I am currently leasing a pony name Rawhide <---- I luv him!
  5. I currently have a guinea pig named Snickers
  6. I ride Western
  7. My mom currently owns an awesome party store stocked with webkinz (if you know what those our! You can visit for details!) named Petry's Place!

Well those are my seven facts!


Mellimaus said...

Welcome back! Are you still leasing Rawhide?

Misha said...

You ride western? Cool! Western sounds like fun, although I've never tried it. I've trail ridden in a western saddle! lol

Rawhide and Alli said...

Yeah I am still leasing Rawhide! I haven't really seen him lately because it is soo cold outside and I have been sick! Western is really fun! Thanks for commenting!

Allen said...

That's really neat!